Black Sea German Research - DAI Indexes


The DAI indexes deal with records of the Deutsches Ausland- Institut, Stuttgart. (Part I)—Records on 1940 Resettlement—(rolls 264-330); and records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart. (Part II)—The General Records—(rolls 331-637). These are microfilmed documents of every kind captured by the Allied Forces from the Nazi regime. The index indicates, in English, the title of each document and how many pages included in the document. The index indicates if the document was anything other than in German, whether it was hand-written script, typed, or printed in newspaper or book format, a photo, or a sketch. The index may indicate the date it was produced. The index gives researchers the opportunity to examine the index to find out if there is anything of interest for family research. If there is, the details of the microfilm is provided so the person can view it personally, or have specific pages copied. The translation of the document would be the responsibility of the researcher.


Please take some time to read our DAI Q&A for more information on these films.


The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has all of these films. The Germans from Russia Heritage Society (GRHS) has many of the files included in our indexes in their library. You would need visit their library (Bismarck, North Dakota) to view it personally, or call them to have specific pages copied. GRHS does charge a fee for their service, so check with them regarding the cost and the availability of the film.  


Below is a list of the DAI indexes that have been translated and available on our website. Other indexes can be found at



Deutsches Auslands-Institut T81 - 305, 317, 600, 609, 623, 635 and 636 Index (listed alphabetically by village)

Alexanderhilf Odessa Family List

Altmontal Taurida Family List 1804

Altmontal Taurida Family List 1850/1868

Andreburg Taurida Inhabitants 1918

Balamas Bessarabia Family List

Barnowka Jekaterinoslaw Family List 1914

Berdjansk Jekaterinoslaw Listing of Germans

Beresina Bessarabia Original Inhabitants

Bessarabian Academics 1939

Bessarabian Resettlers

Borodino Bessarabia Orignial Inhabitants

Burtschak Jekaterinoslaw Inhabitants

Dennewitz Bessarabia Family List 1834

Eichendorf Bessarabia Family List

Eigenfeld Bessarabia Family List 1930

Emmental Bessarabia Family List 1934

Freudental Odessa Family List 1911

Friedenfeld Bessarabia Family List 1879?

Friedrichsfeld Taurida Family List 1809-1918

Grossliebental Odessa 1816 Partial Census

Grossliebental Family List

Grossliebental Family List 1939

Gruental Taurida 1918 Inhabitants

Hochstaedt Taurida Inhabitants

Hoffental Taurida 1914 Family List

Hoffnungsfeld Taurida 1939 Family List

Ignatjewka Inhabitants 1926

Jeremejewka Cherson Inhabitants before 1914

Kahul Bessarabia Inhabitants 1914

Karlsruh, Hochstaedt, Melitopol Taurida Inhabitants 1918

Katharinenfeld Caucasus Destruction 1826

Katharinenfeld Caucasus Names

Ketrossy Bessarabia Kischinev Parish Inhabitants 1911-1912

Kirschwald Dobrudscha Citizens 1840

Kleinliebental Odessa First Settlers and Farm Owners

Korntal II, Bessarabia Inhabitants 1939?

Krasna, Bessarabia German Inhabitants 193

Kronsfeld Taurida Inhabitants 1939

Larga Bessarabia Residents 1934

Lichtenfeld Odessa Inhabitants

Lustdorf Odessa Inhabitants 1887

Marienfeld, North Caucasus Inhabitants 1906-1918

Marienfeld Taurida Inhabitants

Mariental Odessa First Settlers 1804

Michailowka Jekaterinoslaw Inhabitants

Mintschunal Bessarabia Inhabitants 1885

Molla-Eli Crimea Inhabitanta 1939

Mühlhausendorf (Swedish Colony) Inhabitants 1918

Neu Beresina Odessa Inhabitants 1939

Neu Elft Bessarabia Inhabitants 1930

Neu Posttal Bessarabia Inhabitants 1925

Neu Posttal Bessarabia Inhabitants 1939

Neu Strymba Bessarabia Inhabitants 1938 (DAI 598)

Neu Strymba Bessarabia Inhabitants 1938 (DAI 636)

Neuburg Odessa Inhabitants June 1939

Nikolajfeld Taurida Inhabitants 1939

Nikolajtal Odessa Inhabitants 1916

Nowo Sawitzkoje Odessa Inhabitants

Odessa City 1914 Business Directory

Ostheim Don Region Inhabitiants

Raskajetz Bessarabia Inhabitants 1939

Reichenfeld Taurida Inhabitants 1940

Rosenberg Taurida Inhabitants 1941

Rosengart Taurida Inhabitants 1840

Rosental Taurida Inhabitants

Sarighiol Dobrudscha Inhabitants 1890

Schabo Bessarabia Inhabitants

Schlangendorf Odessa Inhabitants

Schönfeld Taurida Inhabitants

Schönfeld Taurida Inhabitants 1939 

Seimeny Bessarabia Inhabitants

Silowka Chutor Odessa Inhabitants 1922

Sofiental Bessarabia Inhabitants

Strassburg, Odessa People Killed between 1918-1933

Tarutino, Bessarabia German Inhabitants 1939

Teplitz, Bessarabia Inhabitants 1940

Tiefenbrunn Taurida Settlers 1918

Tiegerweide Taurida Inhabitants 1918

Toj-Tebe Crimea Inhabitants

Wygoda Odessa Family List


Additional Indexes by DAI film number (* indicates updated on 6 Feb 2020)

DAI 305 - Dobrudscha Family Data 1940/1941
DAI 317 - Germans Living in Bessarabia at Resettlement by Ellis Wise and Allen Konrad

* DAI 317 Index Revised by Allen Konrad

* DAI 318 Index Revised by Allen Konrad

* DAI 320 Index Revised by Allen Konrad

* DAI 324 Index Revised by Allen Konrad

* DAI 598 Index Revised by Allen Konrad

* DAI 599 Index Revised by Allen Konrad

* DAI 606 Index Revised by Allen Konrad

DAI 606 - Family Names from Questionnaires by Elli Wise and Allen Konrad

DAI 606 - Germans Living in Berdjansk by Elli Wise and Allen Konrad

DAI 606 - Mennonites Emigrating from Prussia to Chortitza April 1818 by Elli Wise & Allen Konrad

DAI 606 - Germans Living in Rayon Kamenka 1941 by Elli Wise and Allen Konrad

DAI 606 - Germans Living in Rayon Pokrowskoye, Jekaterinslaw by Elli Wise and Allen Konrad

* DAI 607 Index Revised by Allen Konrad

* DAI 608 Index Revised by Allen Konrad

* DAI 623 Index Revised by Allen Konrad

* DAI 624 Index Revised by Allen Konrad

DAI 624 - Potential Emigrants from Wuerttemberg 1816 by Elli Wise & Allen Konrad

DAI 624 - Nuertingen, Wuerttemberg Release for Emigration by Elli Wise & Allen Konrad