Black Sea German Research - Area/Town/Village Specific
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* Indicates added/updated on 20 Dec 2024
* Annenfeld, So. Caucasus 1818 & 1937 by Elli Wise and Gayla Aspenleiter
* Bolshevik Destruction of Gnadenburg in the Caucasus translated by Allen Konrad
* Elisabeththal, Georgia and Its Residents translated by Allen Konrad
* Eisabeththal, Georgia Church Building translated by Allen Konrad
* Georgsfeld, Caucasus Residents in 1914 translated by BSGR
* Helenendorf, South Caucasus History
* Index of German Russians in North Caucasus translated by Elli Wise
* Jekaterinodar Parish translated by Allen Konrad
* Katharinenfeld Colony Memories translated by Allen Konrad
* Katharinenfeld Family Registers by Elli Wise and Allen Konrad
* Katharinenfeld Inhabitants 1826 translated by Elli Wise
* Katharinenfeld Names translated by Elli Wise
* Marienfeld, North Caucasus Inhabitants 1906-1918 translated by Elli Wise
* Military Parish Pyatigorsk, Kuban, North Caucasus 1846-1897 translated by Eugen Beck
* Neudorf School Dedication translated by Allen Konrad
* Power of Attorney Index - Georgia 1820-1825 translated by Allen Konrad
* Repressed Citizens of Michaelsfeld, Krasnodar, North Caucaus translated by Gayla Aspenleiter
* South Caucasus (History of Germans In) (use Chrome for website translation)
* South Caucasus (Association of Germans in Georgia) (use Chrome for website translation)
* Crimea
* Alphabetical List of Villages in Dobrudscha - 1937 translated by Allen Konrad
* Chronicle of the Village of Caratai, Dobrudscha translated by Allen Konrad
* Church Communities in Dobrudscha in 1936 translated by Allen Konrad
* Cogealia 1916 Household Property Inventory extracted by BSGR
* Dobrudscha Family Data 1940/1941 translated by Elli Wise
* Dobrudscha Songs and Verses translated by Allen Konrad
* Dobrudscha Villages translated by Allen Konrad
* German Settlements in Dobrudscha translated by Allen Konrad
* German Villages in Dobrudscha by Church Parishes in 1928 translated by Allen Konrad
* Germans in Dobrudscha Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13 Part 14, Part 15, Part 16 , and Part 17 translated by Allen Konrad
* Hahn Family Data 1940-1941 translated by Elli Wise
* Brief history of Jakobsonstahl submitted by Dr. Elvire Necker-Eberhardt
* History of Tschukurowa (Ciucorova) Community, Dobrudscha translated by Allen Konrad
* History of Tariverdi, Dobrudscha tranlated by Allen Konrad
* Immigrants to Dobrudscha from Bessarabia and Kherson extracted by BSGR
* Jakobsonstahl names in 1843 submitted by Dr. Elvire Necker-Eberhardt
* Jakobsonstahl confirmands in 1859, 1866, 1874, 1875 submitted by Dr. Elvire Necker-Eberhardt
* Jakobsonstahl births 1843-1879 submitted by Dr. Elvire Necker-Eberhardt
* Jakobsonstahl marriages 1868-1879 submitted by Dr. Elvire Necker-Eberhardt
* Jakobsonstahl marriages (LDS Galatz film) 1856-1913 submitted by Dr. Elvire Necker-Eberhardt
* Jakobsonstahl deaths 1868-1880 submitted by Dr. Elvire Necker-Eberhardt
* Kirschwald Citizens 1840 translated by Elli Wise
* List of German Settlements in Dobrudscha in 1928 and 1934 translated by Allen Konrad
* Market Days in Bessarabia and Dobrudscha translated by Allen Konrad
* Sarighiol Inhabitants 1890 translated by Elli Wise
* Sofular, Dobrudscha History translated by Allen Konrad
Sofular 1916 Household
Property Inventory
extracted by BSGR
Tariverdi births
1931-1940 translated
* Tariverdi deaths 1931-1940 translated by BSGR
* Tariverde 1916 Household Property Inventory extracted by BSGR
Jekaterinoslaw (aka Ekaterinoslav and Dnjepropetrowsk):
* Barnowka Family List 1914 translated by Elli Wise
* Burtschak & Michailowka Inhabitants translated by Elli Wise
* German Settlements in the Dnjepropetrowsk General Region translated by Allen Konrad
* Germans Living in Rayon Pokrowskoye, Jekaterinslaw by Elli Wise and Allen Konrad
* GrossWerder 1850 Census submitted by Morris Knorr
* GrossWerder 1858 Census submitted by Morris Knorr
* Grunau Parish Lutheran Church Records
* Grunau/Planar Catholic Church Records
* Josefstal Parish Lutheran Church Records* Kaiserdorf 1925-1926 Family List submitted by Eugen Beck (updated 8 Dec 2022)
* Kaiserdorf 1939 List of Householders submitted by Eugen Beck (updated 8 Dec 2022)
* Kamianske Death Index 1914-920 submitted by Oksana
* KleinWerder 1835 Census submitted by Morris Knorr
* Ludwigstal Parish Lutheran Church Records
* Marriages in Various Villages of Rayon Chortitza by Elli Wise and Allen Konrad
* Mennonites Emigrating from Prussia to Chortitza in 1818 by Elli Wise and Allen Konrad
* Mennonites in Jekaterinoslaw by Elli Wise and Allen Konrad
* Planar Colonies List of Catholic Parishioners 1852 submitted by Merv Weiss
* Repressed citizens of Alexanderheim, Dnjepropetrowsk 1937 - translated by Gayla Aspenleiter
* Rosenberg Inhabitants 1941 translated by Elli Wise
* Taganrog Parish Lutheran Church Records
Outside of Black Sea area:
* Asiactic Russia information* Asiactic Russia Catholic church records
* Belowesch Colonies - Suggested Sources for German Origin Resources by Maggie Heim
* Belowesch Colonies Land Distribution translated by Allen Konrad
* Belowesch Coloniest from Oranienbaum translated by Gayla Aspenleiter
* Belowesch village 1816 census translated by Julia Rjabchuk
* Belowesch village 1834 census translated by Julia Rjabchuk
* Belowesch village 1850 census translated by Julia Rjabchuk
* Belowesch village Gorodok 1816 census translated by Julia Rjabchuk
* Belowesch village Gorodok 1834 census translated by Julia Rjabchuk
* Belowesch village Gorodok 1850 census translated by Julia Rjabchuk
* Belowesch village Gross Werder 1816 census translated by Julia Rjabchuk
* Belowesch village Gross Werder 1834 census translated by Julia Rjabchuk
* Belowesch village Kaltschinowka 1816 census translated by Julia Rjabchuk
* Belowesch village Kaltschinowka 1834 census translated by Julia Rjabchuk
* Belowesch village Kaltschinowka 1850 census translated by Julia Rjabchuk
* Belowesch village Klein Werder 1816 census translated by Julia Rjabchuk
* Belowesch village Klein Werder 1834 census translated by Julia Rjabchuk
* Belowesch village Klein Werder 1850 census translated by Julia Rjabchuk
* Belowesch village Kreschatten 1816 census translated by Julia Rjabchuk
* Belowesch village Kreschatten 1850 census translated by Julia Rjabchuk
* Belowesch village Khreshchatyk 1811 census males and females translated by Julia Rjabchuk
* Belowesch village Rundewiese 1816 census translated by Julia Rjabchuk
* Belowesch village Rundewiese 1834 census translated by Julia Rjabchuk
Belowesch village
Rundewiese 1850 census
translated by Julia
* Book of Sorrow 2002 Germans translated by BSGR
* Chernigov Konotop District Belowesh Parish church records
* Civilian Prisoners in Sselo Petrowkoje translated by Allen Konrad* Czech towns and their German names translated by June Rixen
* Eigenfeld (Kronau) Directory of Ethnic Germans in Army
* Eigenfeld (Kronau) Family Directory
* Ethnic German Settlement at Nestelejewka translated by Allen Konrad
* Friedrich the Great as Founder of German Colonies in the Newly Acquired Territories in 1772 (2nd edition) translated by Allen Konrad
* German Settlements in the Korosten District translated by Allen Konrad
* German Settlements in the Kriwoj-Rog District translated by Allen Konrad
* German Settlements in the Kronau-Orloff District translated by Allen Konrad
* Germans Living in the Rayon Chorol, Don Kossock Region by Elli Wise and Allen Konrad
* History of the Evangelical Augsburg Church in Poland Part 1-4 translated by Allen Konrad
* Ignatjewka Inhabitants 1926 translated by Elli Wise
* Inhabitants of Pulin Rayon translated by Allen Konrad
* Life in the German Villages around Shitomir translated by Allen Konrad
* Ostheim Don Region Inhabitiants translated by Elli Wise
* Podolia Province church records
* South Prussia Land Records compiled by R. Reuben Drefs
* Suwalki, Prussia birth records 1793-1826 translated by BSGR
* Suwalki Prussia death records 1793-1826 translated by BSGR
* Suwalki, Prussia marriage records 1793-1826 translated by BSGR
* The Origin of Early Kamenta Settlers 1823-1825 by Chris Kullman and Mandyrose Bruno
* Burial Permits - LaMoure County, ND 1925-2007
* Fox Valley Pioneers (Canada) compiled by Merv Weiss
* History of Fredonia ND Diamond Jubilee 1904-1979
* History of Kulm ND 1892-1957
* History of Kulm ND Diamond Jubilee Supplement 1967
* Marriage Records - LaMoure County, ND 1883-1926 (alphabetized by groom) (alphabetized by bride)
* St. Joseph's Colony, Saskatchewan, Canada by Kenneth Vollman
* Temvik Cemetery Listing, Temvik, North Dakota compiled by Ralph Wiseman
Links to personal websites that are area specific:
Borodino, Bessarabia by Judy Remmick-HubertHannowka, Bessarabia by Axel Hindemith (German)
Klöstitz, Bessarabia by Ingrid Reule
Kutschurgan District Odessa region by Peter Goldade (includes families of Goldade, Jundt, Sander, Migler and Odessa repression records).
Neudorf, Odessa by Penny Raile (site includes Hoffnungstal too)
Scholtoi, Bessarabia by Olaf Hollinger (German version is more extensive than English version)
If you have a website or document that focuses on Black Sea German villages, families, or research and you would like to share it with other researchers, please email the URL of your website or a copy of the information to