Black Sea German Research - Church/Parish
* indicates added/updated on 21 March 2025
* Asiatic Russia Catholic church records
* Alt-Schwedendorf Luthern Parish records
* Baptism Festival in Northern Bessarabia translated by Allen Konrad
* Baptists in Neu Danzig and Cataloi History by Silke Neureuther
* Belowesh Parish translated by Allen Konrad
* Belowesh Parish church records
* Berdjansk Lutheran church records
* Bessarabian Village Church Records (FHL film numbers) Dale Wahl Collection
* Church in Albota translated by Allen Konrad
* Church Year in Lutheran Church translated by Allen Konrad
* Church and Religious Life of Germans in Russia translated by Allen Konrad
* Churches of Dickey County, North Dakota by Allen Konrad (Photographs)
* Churches of LaMoure County, North Dakota by Allen Konrad (Photographs)
* Churches of Logan County, North Dakota by Allen Konrad (Photographs)
* Churches of McIntosh County, North Dakota by Allen Konrad (Photographs)
* Closing of the Church in Kleinliebental by Elisabeth Bechler and submitted by Peter Mock
* Elisabethgrad Lutheran Parish records
* Emigrating from Germany Indexes
* Eugenfeld Lutheran Parish records
* Experience in a Lutheran Parsonage translated by Allen Konrad
* Fond 894 (from the Odesa Archives) with links to Family Search contributed by Wolfgang Rath and Carolyn Schott
* German Families in Neu-Strymba, Kischinev Parish 1938 translated by Allen Konrad
* Grunau Lutheran Parish records
* Heidelberg Parish PFEIFER Marriages 1841-1850 translated by Merv Weiss
* Hochstädt Lutheran Parish Records
* Jekaterinodar Parish translated by Allen Konrad
* Josefstal Parish Lutheran Church Records
* Kaisertal - Taurida Lutheran Community 1832-1913 translated by Allen Konrad
* Kuban Lutheran Parish Records
* Lehr Tabernacle by Carolyn Schott
* List of German Bessarabian Villages and Church Leaders 1921 translated by Allen Konrad
* Ludwigstal Lutheran Parish records
* Lutheran and Reformed Church Records
* Lutheran Church in Kishinev History translated by Allen Konrad
* Lutheran Parishes submitted by Gayla Aspenleiter
* Mennonite Settlements in the Melitopol and Mariupol Districts translated by Allen Konrad
* Mennonite Villages in Russia translated by Allen Konrad
* Mennonites in Europe, North and South America translated by Allen Konrad
* Molotschna/Prischib Lutheran Parish records
* Neusatz Crimea Lutheran Parish records
* Nikolajew Lutheran Parish records
* Odessa Lutheran Parish records
* Pastor E. Gutkewitsch translated by Allen Konrad
* Pastor M.F. Schrenk in Glückstal - 1880 translated by Allen Konrad
* Residents in Six Lutheran Parishes translated by Allen Konrad
* Roman Catholic Church Records (baptisms/marriages/deaths)
* Rynowka Parish translated by Allen Konrad
* Sacred Heart Church, Park, Kansas (1938 church register) submitted by Pius Waldman
* Senior Pastor Daniel Haase translated by Allen Konrad
* Seventh-Day Adventist Church Birth/Baptism records 1914-1920 in Crimea translated by Merv Weiss
* Taganrog Lutheran Parish records
* Trinity German Lutheran Church, Winnipeg
* Zürichtal Lutheran Parish records
If you have a website or document that focuses on Black Sea German villages, families, or research and you would like to share it with other researchers, please email the URL of your website or a copy of the information to