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 Post subject: Schanz - Correcting a Commonly Held Belief
PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 12:52 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Sun May 15, 2011 7:12 am
Posts: 23
Location: Spokane, WA, USA.
I would like to discuss a mistake regarding the Schanz surname from the Beresan region. Recently, I've been digging much deeper into my Schanz line using records from the LDS and have uncovered a mistake where the original researcher years ago recorded what he/she believed to be the parents of Anton Schanz b 1769 who immigrated to Speyer/Speier, Beresan in 1809.

Anton immigrated with a Johannes Schanz who many of us believed to be his brother and the sons of Andreas Schanz and Anna Maria Winkler from Lingenfeld, Pfalz. In the 1812 and 1816 census, there is no mention of who the father is for both Anton and Johannes which makes the research a little more difficult.

According to the 1812 and 1816 Speyer/Speier census, Anton was married to Maria Christina Mayer. While going through the records at LDS, I found information for Anton Schanz (actually born 30.11.1770 in Lingenfeld) who was married to Maria Christina Mayer but with different parents than what is commonly believed. The LDS records show that the actual parents of the Anton Schanz who went to South Russia, are Georg Michael Schanz and Catharina Lochbaum which makes Anton and Johannes cousins and not brothers.

Andreas Schanz and Anna Maria Winkler did have a son by the name of Anton, but he was married to a Catharina Meichel and did not go to South Russia but stayed in Lingenfeld and raised a family.

I would like to discuss this subject with anyone who is interested.


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