Black Sea German Research - Letters/Stories/Recollections
The history of the
Black Sea Germans is the
story of pioneers who
settled in a distant
land, carved farms out of
the vast steepes of
Ukraine (Imperial
Russia), survived
persecution and war, and
then became pioneers
once again as they left
their Black Sea homes
for the Americas,
Germany, or the far
eastern areas of the
Soviet Union.
How our families persevered and how they combined the customs of their German homeland with their life near the Black Sea are stories that need to be preserved and passed on to future generations.
Share the stories! If you have articles or stories on Black Sea German history, culture, or customs that you’d like to share, email
* indicates added on 21 Mar 2025
* 1909 Senate Document on GR Immigrants from Dale Wahl Collection
* 25th Anniversary of Pastor Schrenk's Ministry translated by Allen Konrad
* A Century of German Colonist Settlement Progress translated by Allen Konrad
* A Confirmaton in Soviet Russia translated by Allen Konrad
* Back to the German Baptism Names translated by Allen Konrad
* Biography of Jacob and Christine Heisler (Christine Hertz document) translated by Dr. Elvire Necker-Eberhardt
* Biography of Rudolf Necker translated by Dr. Elvire Necker-Eberhardt
* Closing of the Church in Kleinliebental by Elisabeth Bechler and submitted by Peter Mock
* Crimea - a personal connection by Mervin Weiss
* Cultural Historical Museum of Bessarabia German Colonists translated by Allen Konrad
* Emigration of John Ries' Forefathers from Germany to Rosenthal, Crimea by John Ries and translated by Dr. Elvire Necker-Eberhardt
* Extract from Sword and Pen translated by Allen Konrad
* Flood Castastrophe in the Kogälnik Valley translated by Allen Konrad
* Foreign Homelands by Justin Ehresman
* German Farmers Organizations in South America translated by Allen Konrad
* Germanness in North Bessarabia translated by Allen Konrad* Historical Study - The Kaschuben translated by Allen Konrad
* Interview with Ella and Peter Kress by Peter Mock
* Letter from Arzis - 1818 translated by Allen Konrad
* Letter from Hoffnungsfeld - 1938 translated by Allen Konrad
* Letter from Johann Karl Krause of Tarutino, Bessarabia translated by Allen Konrad
Letter from
Katzbach, Bessarabia -
1816 translated by
Allen Konrad
Letter from
Kleinliebenthal - 1807
translated by Allen
* Letter from P.H. Griess translated by Theodore Charles Wenzloff
* Letter from Plotz, Bessarabia - 1841 translated by Allen Konrad
* Letter regarding Colorado and Texas in the Dakota Freie Presse translated by Janet Jarret
* Letter regarding Ritzville, WA in the Dakota Freie Presse translated by Janet Jarret
* Locusts! Winged Invaders of South Russia's Steppes with introduction by Dwayne Janke
* Memories from Molotschna translated by Allen Konrad
* Memories of Molotschna Colonies translated by Allen Konrad
* Mrs. Rike Flemmer of Glueckstal translated by Allen Konrad
* Murder of Pastor Paul Christian Baumann translated by Allen Konrad
* My Experiences as a Russian Soldier in WWI translated by Allen Konrad
* Our Flight from Ukraine to Bessarabia translated by Allen Konrad
* Paris, Bessarabia - Part I translated by Allen Konrad
* Regina Klotz Mock: About Her Ancestors by Peter Mock
* Rosa, Our Four-legged Friend and Alexeanderhilf, Fifty Years Later by Eduard Mack and translated by Ted Weisenburger
* Sexton Teacher Weiss and District Secretary Holzwarth translated by Allen Konrad
* Some Funny Experiences from the German Colonies translated by Allen Konrad
* Story - A Severe Threat translated by Allen Konrad
* Story - First Year in the New Homeland translated by Allen Konrad
* Story - How We Obtained Membership translated by Allen Konrad
* Story - It's Burning translated by Allen Konrad
* Story - Journey to Odessa and Set-Backs of Some Emigrants translated by Allen Konrad
* Story - Legend of Pomane Well translated by Allen Konrad
* Story - Legend of the Big Hill translated by Allen Konrad
* Story - Lost Blood translated by Allen Konrad
* The Last Auction and 1927 Auction of John Schilling by Sandy Schilling Payne
* Tobbeltock the Bessarabian Bandit Chief translated by Allen Konrad
* Trip to Northern Bessarabia (from the pages of the 1910 diary of Wilhelm Mutschall) translated by Allen Konrad
* Where do all the Kaschuben come from? translated by Allen Konrad