Waiblingen, Württemberg                         

[also related trails of research in the area]
Schnait, Waiblingen, Württemberg                                                                                    

Name, First                          birth    date   film      pg     remarks

Foerstner, Erika Emilie nee Albeck   13 Nov   1937   1476495   6232   familienbuch

Haag, Catharina Dorothea             25 Aug   1776   1476492   986    1st wife

Haisch, Christian                    18 Aug   1811   1476492   566    familien buch

Haisch, Elisabetha                   30 Jun   1805   1476492   566    familien buch

Haisch, Heinrich Ludwig              08 Nov   1809   1476492   566    familien buch

Haisch, Johann Jakob                 16 Nov   1815   1476492   566    familien buch

Haller, Georg Gottfried              17 Sep   1870   1476492   567    divorced

Haller, Georg Gottfried              17 Sep   1870   1476492   567    familien buch

Christian Fiess Film Collection Index [by Elli Wise]
Films:  1476492, 1476493, 1476494, 1476495, 1476496, and 1476497

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