Area Links:
North America
South America
Germany Asiatic Russia
In addition to the Black Sea German database, the following links will help you research your German ancestors in South America.
* Research Repository
* Researching in South America Q&A
* South American GenWeb Project
* Tim Janzen Mennonite Family History
* Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society
* Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta
* Odessa Digital Library
Geschlechterbuch der Deutschen am La Plata (German Families in the River Plata regions of South America). (FHL call number:980 F2ge)
Fink, Theodor
Auf den Spuren Deutschstämmiger Siedler Paraguay (On the trail of German immigrants settling in Paraguay). (FHL call number: 989.2 F2f)
Loewen, Maria Winter
Höhen and Tiefen: eine deutsche Lebensgeschichte aus Süd-Russland (History of German Colonists in Southern Russia Who Later Migrated to Paraguay). (FHL call number: 989.2 W2w)
The Family History Library (FHL) has a number of books about Germans in South America. Search the library catalog for the subject "Germans Brazil" or "Germans Argentina."
A map of German settlements in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina is available from AHSGR.
Germany Asiatic Russia
Research Links
In addition to the Black Sea German database, the following links will help you research your German ancestors in South America.
* Research Repository
* Researching in South America Q&A
* South American GenWeb Project
* Tim Janzen Mennonite Family History
* Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society
* Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta
* Odessa Digital Library
Recommended Books
Geschlechterbuch der Deutschen am La Plata (German Families in the River Plata regions of South America). (FHL call number:980 F2ge)
Fink, Theodor
Auf den Spuren Deutschstämmiger Siedler Paraguay (On the trail of German immigrants settling in Paraguay). (FHL call number: 989.2 F2f)
Loewen, Maria Winter
Höhen and Tiefen: eine deutsche Lebensgeschichte aus Süd-Russland (History of German Colonists in Southern Russia Who Later Migrated to Paraguay). (FHL call number: 989.2 W2w)
The Family History Library (FHL) has a number of books about Germans in South America. Search the library catalog for the subject "Germans Brazil" or "Germans Argentina."
Recommended Video
We (Never) Don't Forget: Germans from Russia in South America
A map of German settlements in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina is available from AHSGR.
Researching in South America

Many Black Sea Germans settled in Brazil and Argentina, especially Catholics as Catholicism was the state religion in these countries. Mennonites settled primarily in Paraguay, in an area known as Chaco. Volga Germans also settled in Argentina and Brazil.
Church Records Some church records for German settlements in South America are available from the Family History Library. Search on the town (or country) to find if microfilm is available for the area you are researching.

Some additional immigration records:
- Entradas y Salidas de Pasajeros 1821-1871 (Arrivals and Departures of Passengers 1821-1871). Buenos Aires: Archivo General de la Nación, 1992. (FHL films 1840670-1840684)
- Argentina immigration records from 1888 to 1925 are available on request from Centro des Estudio Migratorios
Argentina Immigration Records online
- Auswandererkartei der Rußlanddeutschen nach Brasilien: 1870-1940 by Deutsches Ausland-Institut (Stuttgart), includes family details for German-speaking emigrants from Russia to Brazil. (FHL 15527897, item 1)
1930 German/Russian Immigrants to Brazil by Whalmir Anna Fuchs VonKoenig
- Auswandererkartei der Rußlanddeutschen nach Paraguay und Uruguay: 1870-1940 by Deutsches Ausland-Institut (Stuttgart), includes family details for German-speaking emigrants from Russia to Paraguay and Uruguay. (FHL 1552797, item 1)
- Paraguay: Immigrants from Canada between 1926 and 1935 found in Die ersten mennonitschen Einwanderer in Paraguay by Abram B. Giesbrecht, Friesen Printers, Loma Plata, Paraguay, 1995.
Passenger lists of 1,435 emigrants from Russia to
Paraguay in 1930
Mailing Lists and Message Boards
In addition to the discussion forums on the Black Sea German Research site, you may be able to connect with others researching Black Sea Germans in South America through the following e-mail lists:
Search Rootsweb for relevant mail lists.