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 Post subject: Black Sea Germans from Mecklenburg
PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:06 am 

Joined: Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:13 pm
Posts: 38
The book, Mecklenburger in Osteuropa, by Martha Miller is a "Stumpp-like" index of families who came from Mecklenburg to Eastern Europe, including the Black Sea. And I think a lot of our ancestors who came to the Black Sea region via Poland may have come from Mecklenburg.

If you can't find a copy of the book, and want me to do a lookup on your family name (since I have a copy), let me know.


 Post subject: Re: Black Sea Germans from Mecklenburg
PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:48 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon May 09, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 151

Is this the Mecklenburg in northern Germany? (

Regards, Murray
BlackSeaGR Forum co-Administrator
Gauer Family Website

 Post subject: Re: Black Sea Germans from Mecklenburg
PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 4:23 pm 

Joined: Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:13 pm
Posts: 38
Yep, that's the one. Lots of Mecklenburgers roamed into Poland...and we know that lots of ethnic Germans in Poland ended up in the Black Sea area. I've been told that my Siewert family name is clearly a Mecklenburger name. And there are certainly lots of Mecklenburg Siewerts in this book. Unfortunately I can't tie any of them to my Siewert line that ended up in Neu Elft. But I hope someone else may be luckier!

 Post subject: Re: Black Sea Germans from Mecklenburg
PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:47 pm 

Joined: Sun Jun 26, 2011 4:46 am
Posts: 13
hello Carolyn, it looks like lots of folk have seen your message, but no one has actually taken you up on the offer. I certainly have not seen or heard of this book before - but would appreciate if you did look up my family name of Broneske. I do not know where it originates from and yes, my forefathers did leave from middle Poland for Paris, Bessarabia around 1814/1815. Thanks, but I won't be disappointed if you don't find anything. Cheers, Ray Broneske.

 Post subject: Re: Black Sea Germans from Mecklenburg
PostPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 3:37 pm 

Joined: Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:13 pm
Posts: 38
Sorry Ray, I didn't see any names that resemble Broneske. But the book only covers people who came from Mecklenburg, so if your family came from another part of Poland, it would make sense that it wouldn't be there.


 Post subject: Re: Black Sea Germans from Mecklenburg
PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:22 am 

Joined: Sun Jun 26, 2011 4:46 am
Posts: 13
hi again, I did not expect you to find anything on my surname - I actually don't know where it originates, it could even be Polish that has been germanised. I have found instances if it being in the Czarnikau area around 1835 and on the Odessa3 library there is a reference to Hammer/Hawwer in the Prussian Land Register from the 1770's. Hammer is the correct place but I have no other link there.
Anyway, it was worth a try - and I do thank you very, very much for checking. cheers, Ray Broneske.

 Post subject: Re: Black Sea Germans from Mecklenburg
PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 8:04 pm 

Joined: Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:13 pm
Posts: 38
Hey Ray,

I suppose you've already looked in all these places, but our Poland/Prussia page DOES have a bunch of links and suggestions for Poland/Prussia research. Don't know if it will help, but may be worth a shot.

 Post subject: Re: Black Sea Germans from Mecklenburg
PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 6:58 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:51 pm
Posts: 3
Hi Carolyn:

Would you mind taking a look in your book for Schwartz, Schewe or Scheie and a name that might begin with Muk and possibly end with owu, Muk..owu and Dolerstine? I am trying to read a death certificate of my GGG grandmother whose mother and father were born in Flatow, which I believe is in Mecklenburg.

I have hit a wall with these names.

P.S. I also emailed you on a separate post.

Thank you very much.


 Post subject: Re: Black Sea Germans from Mecklenburg
PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:22 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:51 pm
Posts: 3

There is one more name associated with my family, which is Buchholz. I believe this is the way it is spelled, although I've seen is spelled with tz on the end or even -holts. I think this is the census taker's fault.
Would you mind looking this name up for me in your Mecklenburg book?

Thank you again.


 Post subject: Re: Black Sea Germans from Mecklenburg
PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:33 am 

Joined: Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:13 pm
Posts: 38
Kristine - sorry to be slow to reply on this. There are a couple of Buchol(t)z names listed.

1) Poland, Warsaw area - Buchholz, Carl, Tischlergeselle, aus Friedland, gestorben 27 Jahre alt, im Hospiatl zu Warschau. 1829, 14, II (I assume the 14th of Nov.)

Riga - Buchholtz, Jacob Sauel, gebuertig aus Mecklenburg, dimittierter Stabsartzt, Staatsrat i.R., gestorben 87 Jahre alt, 1846, 5, IX, Riga (St. Jakobi Kirchebuch)

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