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 Post subject: Researching in Galicia/Galizien, a province of Austria
PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:14 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon May 09, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 151
In 1772 Poland was divided up between Prussia, Russia and Austria basically because they could. Austria created a new Province of Galicia with the 78,000 square miles of Polish land. In 1774 the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph II created "Settlement Charters" which encouraged thousands of settlers to emigrate to Galicia. These settlers generally prospered but for various reasons some of them moved on to Russia. This Topic is intended to discuss all matters associated with these German-Galiziens and their migration to the Black Sea.

Galizien Germans as we are known are fortunate to have some very valuable resources. First among those resources is the Galizien German Descendants organization ( (GGD). All sorts of information about the Germans who settled in Galicia is available on this website including our most valuable resource for Galizien Germans which is the Village Familybooks (OFB). The Hilfskomitee der Galiziendeutschen (Assistance Committee for the Galician Germans) organization in Germany ( created these family books by transcribing births, deaths and marriages from original church records into family groups and then combining all the family groups in a village into a single village book (Ort Familienbuch). The Hilfskomitee Familybooks are periodically updated with the latest available information. Information about getting these Familybooks is found on the GGD website at (Murray Gauer, GGD Webmaster)

Regards, Murray
BlackSeaGR Forum co-Administrator
Gauer Family Website

 Post subject: GAUERs in Galicia/Galizien, a province of Austria
PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:29 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon May 09, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 151
My family was part of this emigration as they left Birkenfeld, Rheinland, Pflaz in 1784 to settle in the town of Bedrykowice in the far south east corner of Galicia before moving on to the Black Sea in 1864.

Johann Jacob GAUER b: 02 Apr 1763 in Born, Kreis Birkenfeld, DEU d: 26 Mar 1846 in Bedrykowce, AUT
+Maria Dorthea Elizabetha KUNZ b: 15 Mar 1773 in Buhlenberg, Kreis Birkenfeld, DEU d: 1856 in Bedrykowce,AUT
..Juliana Catharina Jacobina GAUER b: 12 Apr 1794 in Bedrykowce, Galicia, AUT d: Unknown in ?
..Johann Phillip Peter Nicolaus GAUER b: 15 Jul 1796 in Bedrykowce, Galicia, AUT d: 15 May 1856 in Bedrykowce,AUT
..+Anna Katherina Elizabeth LEONHARDT b: 1802 in Dornfeld,AUT d: Unknown in ?
...Johann Franz GAUER b: 15 Dec 1822 in Bedrykowce, Galicia,AUT d: Abt. 1887 in Bedrykowce?,AUT
...Juliana Dorthea GAUER b: 23 Dec 1823 in Bedrykowce, AUT d: Aft. 1867 in Augustdorf, AUT?
...+Georg Peter FREYER b: 12 Jun 1807 in Augustdorf, AUT d: 27 Dec 1859 in Augustdorf, AUT
...Johann Phillip GAUER b: 22 Aug 1826 in Bedrykowce, AUT d: Abt. 1891 in ?
...+Christina Elisabeth GAUER b: Abt. 1830 in Polowce, AUT d: Abt. 1895 in ?
......Franz GAUER b: 15 Jun 1848 in Bedrykowce, AUT d: Abt. 1914 in ?
......+Katharina GAUER b: 23 Jun 1850 in Bedrykowce, AUT d: Abt. 1915 in ?
...Katharina GAUER b: 21 Feb 1851 in Bedrykowce, AUT d: Abt. 1916 in ?
...+Johann BOLLENBACH b: Dec 1845 in Augustdorf, AUT d: Abt. 1910 in ?
.....Jacob GAUER b: 12 May 1853 in Bedrykowce, AUT d: 05 Sep 1919 in Crawford, Texas, USA
.....Nikolaus GAUER b: 25 Oct 1855 in Bedrykowce, AUT d: Abt. 1920 in ?
.....Christine Elisabeth GAUER b: 12 Feb 1858 in Bedrykowce, AUT d: Abt. 1923 in ?
...Anna Katharina GAUER b: 14 Mar 1829 in Bedrykowce,AUT d: Unknown in ?
...Franz GAUER b: 02 May 1832 in Bedrykowce, AUT d: 10 Feb 1882 in Neu Kassel, Cherson district, Russia
...+Maria Elizabeth HERZ b: 1837 in Bedrykowce, AUT d: 18 Jan 1904 in Winnipeg, Man,CAN

Please contact me if you have any connection to these Gauers or any questions about the Germans in Galicia.

Regards, Murray
BlackSeaGR Forum co-Administrator
Gauer Family Website

 Post subject: Re: Researching in Galicia/Galizien, a province of Austria
PostPosted: Sat May 25, 2019 12:08 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon May 09, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 151
OrtFamlienBuch Updated:
The OrtFamlienBuch collection of 304 Village Familybooks has been updated including new Village Familybooks as of: March 3, 2019

Regards, Murray
BlackSeaGR Forum co-Administrator
Gauer Family Website

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