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 Post subject: Researching in Poland-Luisenhuld: BALTZER surname
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 7:32 am 

Joined: Sat Mar 28, 2020 8:47 am
Posts: 1
I am trying to locate more information on the Christian Baltzer (Baldzer, Balzer) family that lived in Plotzk, Bessarabia. They originated in Luisenhuld, Poland (Prussia) now Cieszkowo, Poland. I am trying to locate records from Luisenhuld in order to trace the line back into Germany but haven't found anything that goes back that far. I realize it may be a losing battle with all the border and regime changes but wanted to see if anyone else knows more.

This is my research to date:
Christian Baltzer born 17 Aug 1798 in Willsons Prussia (I'm thinking this could be a corruption of Luisenhuld).
Luisenhuld is now Cieszkowo, Poland and it appears the town was served by the Wyszogród Lutheran parish which later changed to the Filial Plonsk in 1840. FamilySearch appears to have Roman-Catholic records from Wyszogród but not Lutheran and they are not available online yet. Are they worth investigating?
He married Margaretha Wolf (from Möhringen, Württemberg) around 1822 (presumably in Luisenhuld) and they had 7 children there.
Immigrated to Plotzk, Bessarabia in July/August 1836 with 4 other families from Luisenhuld (Jakob Voelker, Andreas Blum, Andreas Layer, Michael Frank). Passport issued in Warsaw.

It is a good bet that Christian's family originally came from Württemberg also but without his parents' info, I can't get anywhere. There is also family lore that 2 brothers of Christian went to the U.S. when he went to Russia.

Would most appreciate any assistance or advice on locating information from Poland and tracing Christian's parentage.

Stephanie Baltzer

 Post subject: Re: Researching in Poland-Luisenhuld: BALTZER surname
PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:15 pm 

Joined: Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:13 pm
Posts: 38
Hi Stephanie,
It's definitely worth checking out the Catholic records. They were used as the official civil record of births/marriages/deaths if there wasn't a Lutheran church in the area.


 Post subject: Re: Researching in Poland-Luisenhuld: BALTZER surname
PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 2:27 am 

Joined: Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:00 pm
Posts: 1
Hi Stephanie,

Have you had any results when searching for Evangelische Augsburger Lutheranische Kirchengemeinde?


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