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 Post subject: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2011 7:18 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon May 09, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 151
My family emigrated from Russia to Winnipeg in 1890 and they have lived there ever since. Here is the information I have collected about Winnipeg:

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Information
Date Formed: 1871
Districts: Metropolitan Winnipeg is divided into Tuxedo, Assiniboia, Charleswood, St James, St Boniface, Fort Garry, St Vital, Transcona, Kildonan (Old, West, East & North) and Winnipeg City. Within the metro area the districts of: Point Douglas, Armstrong's Point (aka Fauberg St Germain), North End, Norwood, Fort Rouge, Tuxedo Park, Crescentwood, Cordova Heights, St Johns and Elmwood can be found. The city was also divided into census wards 1-6. Ref: Winnipeg in Maps 1816 - 1972; Alan J. Artibase; National Archives of Canada 1975

  • History and Live Theatre in Winnipeg by Barry McCarten; Manitoba Historical Society publication 1988, No16
  • The Archives of La Société historique de Saint-Boniface by Gilles Lesage; Manitoba Historical Society publication 1988, No16
  • A Founding Father of Winnipeg: James Henry Ashdown 1844-1924 by Lorne A. Shropshire; Manitoba Historical Society publication 1990, No19
  • A Trip Through Time in Transcona by Terry Patterson History; Manitoba Historical Society publication 1987, No13
  • Influenza by Peter Wilton (The Spanish Ful epidemic of 1918); Manitoba Historical Society publication 1992, No23
  • Historical Tour - Crescentwood, Winnipeg’s Best Residential District by Rosemary Malaher; Manitoba Historical Society publication 1992, No24
  • Winnipeg’s Selkirk Avenue in 1914 by Abe Padolsky; Manitoba Historical Society publication 1993, No26
  • German Canadians In Manitoba; German Society of Winnipeg (Deutsche Vereinigung von Winnipeg)

Books (These books are available via Inter-Library Loan at your local Library)
  • Winnipeg - Where The New West Begins by Erica Wells (Windsor, 1982, 287 pp)
  • Winnipeg 100 :One Hundred Year Pictorial History of Winnipeg by Edith Paterson (Winnipeg Free Press, 1973, over-sized paperback, 120 pp)
  • The Best Possible Face L. B. Foote's Winnipeg by Turnstone Press (1985, 10" x 9", 135 pp)
  • The Germans in Canada by K. M. McLaughlin (Canadian Historical Association, 1985, 22pp)
  • Winnipeg : An Illustrated History by Alan Artibase :1972 ; 100 Year pictorial history of Winnipeg
  • Winnipeg: Heart of a Continent by Christopher Dafoe :1977 ; National Museums of Canada, History of Canadian Cities Series : History and Photos of Winnipeg
  • WINNIPEG by George Mitchell & Mary Lile Benham :1974 ; Published by the City of Winnipeg on the 102nd anniversary. History and Photos (mostly circa 1974) of Winnipeg
  • Germans to America 1840 to 1897 by Ira A. Glazier and P. William Filby editors (60 vol, primarily USA but many Winnipeg immigrants passed through NY) (Libraries holding these books)

Census Records:
The Manitoba Historical Society has a list of Winnipeg streets and which census enumeration district they are in.(For 1911 census but applicable to earlier census')

Churches (German congregations as of 1913)
  • Trinity Lutheran Church; (Evangelisch-Lutherische Dreieinigkeitsgemeinde); Duffern & Slater then Flora & King (I have an index of individuals and a digital copy of church books from 1888 to 1915)
  • Immanuel Lutheran Church; (Evangelisch-Lutherische Immanuel Gemeinde); College & McKenzie
  • St. Paul's Lutheran Church; (Evangelisch-Lutherische St. Paulus Gemeinde); Watt St. at Tweed
  • Ev.-Lutheran Church of the Cross; (Evangelisch-Lutherische Kreuz Gemeinde); Alexander NW corner Chambers St
  • First Evangelical Lutheran Church of Louise Bridge; (Erste Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinde su Louise Bridge); 418 Tweed St
  • Christ Lutheran Church; (Evangelisch-Lutherische Christus Gemeinde); 592 Aberdeen
  • Holy Cross Lutheran Church; (Heil. Kreuz Gemeinde); 708 McCalman
  • First Evangelical Lutheran Church of Louise Bridge; (Erste Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinde su Louise Bridge); 418 Tweed St
  • Redeemer Lutheran Church; (Evangelisch-Lutherische Erloseser Gemeinde); 779 Manitoba
  • St. John's Lutheran Church; (Evangelisch-Lutherische St. Johannes Gemeinde); 370 McKenzie St
  • First German Baptist Church; (Erste Duesche Baptisten Gemeinde); &Monkman
  • North End Chapel; (Nordend Kapelle); Manitoba, SW corner McKenzie
  • Westside Chapel; (Kapelle an der Westseite); 1401 Ross
  • Zion Reformed Church; (Reformierte Zions Gemeinde); Alexander, SE corner Ellen
  • Salem Reformed Church; (Reformierte Salems Gemeinde); Andrews, NE corner Burrows
  • Ebenezer Church of the Evangelical Association; (Ebenezer Gemeinde der Evangelischen Gemeinschaft); 331 Alexander
  • St Joseph's Church - German Catholic; (St. Joseph's Gemeinde); 493 College

Maps :
Photo Albums :
  • Winnipeg 100 :One Hundred Year Pictorial History of Winnipeg by Edith Paterson (Minnipeg Free Press, 1973, over-sized paperback, 120 pp)
  • The Best Possible Face L. B. Foote's Winnipeg by Turnstone Press (1985, 10" x 9", 135 pp)

Websites relating to Winnipeg Manitoba :

Regards, Murray
BlackSeaGR Forum co-Administrator
Gauer Family Website

Last edited by morbeus on Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Trinity Lutheran Church in Winnipeg
PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:54 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon May 09, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 151
I have an index of individuals who were born, baptized, married or died from 1888 to 1915 in Winnipeg and were members of the German language Trinity Lutheran Church (Evangelisch-Lutherische Dreieinigkeitsgemeinde) at Duffern & Slater and currently Flora & King. Please send me a PM if you would like a lookup.

Regards, Murray
BlackSeaGR Forum co-Administrator
Gauer Family Website

 Post subject: Re: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:16 pm 

Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:10 pm
Posts: 15
a few other good web sites for Winnipeg, Manitoba are the archives for birth/wedding/death is

this other site has those town/family history books - this site you will have to register but its free

one site is for the Winnipeg tribune newspaper (now out of business) ... %20Tribune

another for current newspaper obituaries is the Winnipeg Free press


 Post subject: Re: Trinity Lutheran Church in Winnipeg
PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:18 pm 

Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:10 pm
Posts: 15
morbeus wrote:
I have an index of individuals who were born, baptized, married or died from 1888 to 1915 in Winnipeg and were members of the German language Trinity Lutheran Church (Evangelisch-Lutherische Dreieinigkeitsgemeinde) at Duffern & Slater and currently Flora & King. Please send me a PM if you would like a lookup.

can you check for any family names of Fenning or possible spelling Fennig?

 Post subject: Re: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:57 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon May 09, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 151

There is a Fellinger in the death records but no Fenning or Fennig.

In the birth and marriage records there are Fenglers but, again, no Fenning or Fennig

Sorry, :(

Regards, Murray
BlackSeaGR Forum co-Administrator
Gauer Family Website

 Post subject: Re: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:29 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon May 09, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 151
kitchur wrote:
a few other good web sites for Winnipeg, Manitoba are the archives for birth/wedding/death is

this other site has those town/family history books - this site you will have to register but its free

I agree Darrel. These two websites are great for family research in Manitoba. The OurRoots website has a huge collection of free town and family history books for the whole of Canada.

What is the advantage of Registering on the OurRoots website? Can you download whole books or something? I have just saved single pages with references I am interested in and I didnt need to be registered to do that.

Regards, Murray
BlackSeaGR Forum co-Administrator
Gauer Family Website

 Post subject: Re: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:31 pm 

Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:10 pm
Posts: 15
I had to register to use before I could search.... no idea why you didn't have to!
Something in the settings maybe?

 Post subject: Re: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:51 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon May 09, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 151
I'm not registered and I can search and drag and drop page images to download them. Can you think of any feature you can use that isn't available if you aren't logged in?

What happens if you go to and, before you have logged in, use the "Find a BooK" search box on the far right side? Does it fail?

Regards, Murray
BlackSeaGR Forum co-Administrator
Gauer Family Website

 Post subject: Re: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:01 pm 

Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:10 pm
Posts: 15
well... I'll be.... :oops:
I can get in to search, etc. without logging in!
no idea what changed, I know I couldn't do this before,,, it would go back to the sign-in screen and re-prompt the login screen!

 Post subject: Re: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:45 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon May 09, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 151
kitchur wrote:
well... I'll be.... :oops:
I can get in to search, etc. without logging in!
no idea what changed, I know I couldn't do this before,,, it would go back to the sign-in screen and re-prompt the login screen!

They're just messing with you. Its run by a university after all! :)

Regards, Murray
BlackSeaGR Forum co-Administrator
Gauer Family Website

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