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 Post subject: Re: Niverville, Hanover RM, Manitoba, Canada
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:32 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon May 09, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 151
kitchur wrote:
If you can't find someone to scan you copies of the Niverville book, let me know. I did have it in my hands at one time as I had the library here order it in. I more than likely could get it again. Also the Winnipeg Public Library web site has the book.... Maybe some at the library would do a lookup for you!

MGS also has a copy and I am possibly coming to Winnipeg this summer. I doubt that it will have anything useful as my grandparents apparently only lived in the town for a year or so. But its certainly worth looking into.

Regards, Murray
BlackSeaGR Forum co-Administrator
Gauer Family Website

 Post subject: Re: Niverville, Hanover RM, Manitoba, Canada
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:39 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon May 09, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 151
kitchur wrote:
Elmwood Cemetery... Rumor has it that they are in the works of doing a website (much like the Brookside cemetery) to list the grave sites, names and dates!

Oh, that would be interesting. I remember they guarded their register book and would not allow any "fishing". You needed to know the name and the date of burial. I offered once to scan through the register looking for my surname but they wouldn't allow that and one time when someone got called away from the desk and I started leafing through the pages looking for a family member that wasn't in the book on the exact date I had given them, that got me a reprimand. They seem to take the privacy of dead people pretty seriously, I am sure they have their reasons.

Regards, Murray
BlackSeaGR Forum co-Administrator
Gauer Family Website

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