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 Post subject: Neu Freudental, Beresan District of Odessa
PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 7:56 am 

Joined: Tue May 10, 2011 8:02 pm
Posts: 147
Founded: 1828
German Name: Neu Freudental, Russian name: Marina. Ukraine name Myrne
Religion: Evangelical

Notes: Handbuch Russland-Deutsche by Ulrich Mertens states: Neu Freudental, (Freudental/Marina/Marine-Chutor), Odessa/Berjesowsk/Neu-Freudental, *1828, ev., (Neu-Freudental), Land: 2,875 Deßj.; Land 2,655 Deßj. (1859: Kronland; 63 houses); founded by 47 families form Freudental, (few directly from Württ., Sachsesn and Ungarn), 1869-84 and 1886-1907 central school; 1861 Neu Freudental church founded, served 8 municipalities and 6,75 souls; population 517 in 1858, 660 in 1904, 870 in 1905, 1,020 in 1911, 1,204 in 1914, 898 in 1919, 1,099 in 1926.

Pioneer settler surnames: Beiger, Beck, Bentz, Braun, Burghard, Daiberdt, Engelmann, Enzy, Esslinger, Gägger, Hierning, Hoffer, Kaesser, Kern, Koschel, Kümmerle, Lang, Leonhard, Mehl, Neubauer, Ohlheusser, Pfaff, Philipp, Rentschler, Rettenger, Ridlinger, Rogler, Schell, Schlenkenberger, Schock, Schulder, Schweihardt, Silling, Steiger, Wacker, Weber, Widmayer, Will. (Source Fond 6 Inventory 1, file 1786.) Search the Black Sea database ( for more information on these settlers.

Twenty two families came to Neu Freudental from Freudental, nine from Peterstal, four from Grossliebental, three from Neuburg, and two families from the Beresan District.

Paradise on the Steppe by Joseph S. Height
From Catherine to Khruschev by Dr. Adam Giesinger

Census Records:
Neu Freudental Liebental District Odessa 1858 Census by GRHS and AHSGR

Church Records:
The St. Petersburg Archives Freudental Parish for the years 183X – 188X (available online at

Gayla Aspenleiter
Black Sea German Research Webmaster and Database Administrator

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