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 Post subject: Klein Bergdorf
PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 1:14 am 

Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:56 am
Posts: 16
Does anyone have any information on Klein Bergdorf? It was a daughter colony of the Glückstal Colonies. I think it was founded in 1867 but that's all the information I have. Danke!
Hat Jemand Information über Klein Bergdorf? Wenn ja, wäre ich dankbar!

 Post subject: Re: Klein Bergdorf
PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:59 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon May 09, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 151
Many of the BirthMarriageDeath records have been filmed. According to Thomas Edlund's "The Lutheran's of Russia" document at the 1868 to 1883 records are in these films:

Date--Film #-----------Items--------------------Record types--------Village
1868 1884092/1 452-461, 466-467, 474-480 155 bmd Klein Bergdorf (Neu-Bergdorf)
1870 1884111/2 519-531, 548-549, 556-562 170 bmd Klein Bergdorf (Neu-Bergdorf)
1871 1884125/2 552-555, 572-573 175 bmd Klein Bergdorf (Neu-Bergdorf)
1874 1884120/1 636-640, 642-643 199 bmd Klein Bergdorf (Neu-Bergdorf)
1875 1884064/1 591-595, 619 202 bmd Klein Bergdorf (Neu-Bergdorf)
1876 1884070/1 647-650, 670-672 213 bmd Klein Bergdorf (Neu-Bergdorf)
1877 1895622/1 626-634 219 bm Klein Bergdorf (Neu-Bergdorf)
1878 1895624/1 641-644, 688 224 bmd Klein Bergdorf (Neu-Bergdorf)
1879 1895629/1 166-170, 183 231 bmd Klein Bergdorf (Neu-Bergdorf)
1881 1897592/2 160-162, 175-179, 181 243 bmd Klein Bergdorf (Neu-Bergdorf)
1882 1895610/1 154-157, 169-171, 192-194 251 bmd Klein Bergdorf (Neu-Bergdorf)
1883 1895615/2 164-167, 176-178, 196-198 259 bmd Klein Bergdorf (Neu-Bergdorf)

A search of "Klein Bergdorf" using the Google search at the top of our home page shows a couple of interesting hits and the Odessa3 search ( of the St. Petersburg Archive Extractions results in a large number of records. Finally GCRA( has a map showing the location of Klein Berdorf.

Regards, Murray
BlackSeaGR Forum co-Administrator
Gauer Family Website

 Post subject: Re: Klein Bergdorf
PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:19 pm 

Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:56 am
Posts: 16
Thanks. I was really looking for info like:
Brief history
a few photos
Info on the village today (which German buildings remain etc.)

 Post subject: Re: Klein Bergdorf
PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 6:29 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon May 09, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 151
The Glueckstal Group is a good resource for Klein Bergdorf at They will probably know more about Klein Bergdorf that what is on their website.

On those pages I found a brief description of the village ( I also found the Glueckstal Google map which has a link to Kleinl Bergdorf showing its exact location. It is now called "Crasnoe" and you can view a Satellite view of the village as it is now at ... da31e57fdc . If this link doesn't work put "47.1785776,29.366616,14" into Google maps and then click on the Satellite view.

Good Luck!

Regards, Murray
BlackSeaGR Forum co-Administrator
Gauer Family Website

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