On-line forum for Germans from Russia Researchers

Janzen, Martens, Müller, Klein, Kuhn, Littau, Reich
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Author:  Janzen [ Sun Aug 25, 2019 2:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Janzen, Martens, Müller, Klein, Kuhn, Littau, Reich

Hello, I am looking for information about Germans from Fischerdorf, Josefstal, Billersfeld, Marienfeld and Jamburg and with the names of Janzen, Martens, Müller, Klein, Kuhn, Littau, Reich. This summer I was in the Dnipropetrovsk region to conduct a geneological study. I managed to find a distant relative named Kuhn, maybe he is the last German living in Fischerdorf (now called Rybalsk). If you need to establish a connection with him, I can tell you the coordinates. My grandfather Friedrich Janzen and great-grandmother Anna Janzen (maiden name Mueller) left Billersfeld for Poland during the war. Grandfather's sister Lydia Martens (maiden name Janzen) with children Harry Martens and Johann Klein also left Billersfeld. We know that they lived in Kassel after the war. We are interested in any information about people with such last names, we hope to find relatives.

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