On-line forum for Germans from Russia Researchers

Kristov, Strojew, and Swjechnikew Families
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Author:  cpez04 [ Wed Jul 31, 2019 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Kristov, Strojew, and Swjechnikew Families


I was wondering if anyone has any information about the Kristov, Strojew, and Swjechnikew families from the Odessa oblast? I am looking for more information on my great-grandmother Ekaterina's side of the family.

Author:  morbeus [ Thu Aug 22, 2019 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kristov, Strojew, and Swjechnikew Families

Are you sure you are in the right forums? I searched our 2.4 million name database and our complete website for any mention of your three surnames and the result is zero mentions so no one with your three surnames is found anywhere on our website. The BlackSeaGR website is focused on "Germans" from Russia so only intermarriages with your family nationality can possibly be found on our website.

Sorry we haven't got anything on your surnames but you are welcome to setup a subscription for this post using these instructions on how to use subscriptions: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=47". That way if anyone replies to your post an email will be sent to you.

Regards, Murray Gauer
BlackSeaGR Team member
BlackSeaGR Forums co-Administrator

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