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 Post subject: Lowenberg LÖWENBERG
PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 10:27 am 

Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2017 10:40 pm
Posts: 4
The surname I am interested in is LÖWENBERG.
My great grandfather Valentin Lowenberg emigrated from Nesselrode to Grenfell, Saskatchewan, Canada in April 1887.
We know he emigrated from Nesselrode because this was recorded on the Hamburg passenger list from Hamburg to Grimsby, England and then they went from Liverpool to Halifax, Nova Scotia and then by train to Grenfell. I have extensive records of the family in Canada. I also have a few “brick walls” in my research.
The family was from Josefsberg, Galicia and then moved sometime in the mid 1870’s to the Nesselrode Birsula area.
The Hamburg passenger list is as follows: (with my annotations)
Valentin Lowenberg            42    (born May 25, 1844 Galicia)
Katharina Lowenberg          40    (born March 1, 1846 Galicia, maiden name Daum)
Philipp Lowenberg              16    (born Feb 28 1870 Galicia)
Elisabeth Lowenberg 12    (born July 18, 1872 Galicia)
Johann Lowenberg              10    (born Feb 19, 1875 Galicia)
Jacob Lowenberg                 9     (born Oct 5, 1876 Galicia)
Franz Lowenberg                 8     (born Oct 2, 1878 Galicia or Russia?)
Georg Lowenberg                4     (born May 20, 1879 Russia)
Catharine Lowenberg         2     (born Oct 12, 1882 Russia)
Carolina Lowenberg             1     (born Dec 27, 1885 Russia)
The GGD Family Book for Josefsberg shows the family and only the first four children. I suspect the family moved about 1877 to Russia and that the last four children listed were born there.
Any information on this family or other Lowenbergs in Bukovina or Russia would be most appreciated.

Many thanks

Kevin Van Koughnett
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

 Post subject: Re: Lowenberg LÖWENBERG
PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 1:41 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon May 09, 2011 10:52 am
Posts: 151
Hi Kevin,

I have some LOWENBERG(ER) Nesselrode information for you from documents which were part of the Dale Wahl collection and I believe are now on GRHS:

1 Jun, 3 am / 6 Jun
#179 Johann
Christian MATTHEIS (Moldavian subject) & Catharina geb. LOWENBERGER
Johann Moser single, Georg Mattheis single, Catharina Baumann
maid, Maria Lowenberger maid
In Nesselrode praying hall by Kuster J. Leicht

#2 1907 - 894-1-19 and 20
17 June, 5pm / 29 June
#200 Katharina (died July 5, 1907)
Christian MATTHEIS (Romanian subject) & Katharina geb.
Rudolph Eckstein and wife Magdalena geb. Schock, Georg Mattheis and
wife Anna geb. Lowenberger
In parental house by kuster J. Zweigardt
29 Oct, 1am / 7 Nov
#211 Maria (died December 19, 1907)
Johann MATTHEIS (Romanian subject) & Emma geb. MATTHEIS
Alfred Lowenberger, Karolina Albrecht
In parental house by kuster J. Zweigardt
22 Dec, 7:30am / 26 Dec
#215 Jacob Julius (son of Christoph) BERKON (Vilno midclass citizen) & Anna geb.
Mathilda Werschner maid, Peter Werschner single, Jacob Lowenberger
single, Anna Lowenberger maid
At Seebach prayer house by kuster J. Zweigardt
5 July, 8:30pm / 6 July, 4pm
Katharina MATTHEIS (daughter of Romanian subject Christian
MATTHEIS and Katharina geb. LOWENBERGER)
Seebach, 18d/4h
Child, convulsions
At Seebach cemetery by kuster J. Zweigardt

#3 1905 Hoffnungstal 894 BIRTH
1 Jun, 3 am / 6 Jun
#179 Johann Christian MATTHEIS (Moldavian subject) & Catharina geb.
Johann Moser single, Georg Mattheis single, Catharina Baumann
maid, Maria Lowenberger maid
In Nesselrode praying hall by Kuster J. Leicht

#4 Hoffnungstal Master Residents List 2004
Last First Code d/m year Place Father Mother/Wife Ref. Page Reg Remarks
Lowenberger Alfred Albert B 12-Mar 1899 Luncha Alfred Albrecht, Carolina 894-1-1 417/8 196 father is Austrian subject
Lowenberger Alfred-Albert D 29-Jan 1902 Seebach Alfred Albrecht, Carolina 894-1-6 497 76 2y/10m/17d - father Austrian subject

#5 Death Records for 1899, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1907
#76 29 Jan, 1902 11.30 p.m. / 31 Jan morning
Alfred -Albert , son of Austrian subject Alfred LOWENBERGER & Carolina ALBRECHT
Seebach, 2y/10m/17d Child, scarlet fever On Luncha cemetery by Kuester Ahl

#6 Birth Records for 1899, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1907
Mar 12,1899 8 pm in Luncha / Mar 21
#196 ALFRED-ALBERT Alfred LOWENBERGER (Austrian subject) and Carolina ALBRECHT
Ludwig Matheis and wife Catharina Schmidt, Johann Matheis and wife Emma Matheis
In paternal house by kuster J. Herr
Aug 15, 1899 7 am / Sept 5 Luncha
Johann MATTHEIS (Austrian subject) and Emma MATTHEIS
Christian Mattheis single, Philipp Forschner single, Dorothea Mattheis maid, Maria Lowenberger maid
In paternal house by kuster J. Herr
30 Oct. 1903 , 9.45 am / 9 Nov Seebach (Luncha)
#179 Maria
Christian MATTHEIS (Romania subject) & Catharina LOWENBERGER
Johann Moser single, Philipp Werschner single, Maria Lowenberger maid, Catharina Baumann maid
In Seebach praying hall by Kuster J. Kessler

The originals are in the Odessa Archives.
(There appears to be duplication of events in the various files I scanned so please excuse )

Regards, Murray
BlackSeaGR Forum co-Administrator
Gauer Family Website

 Post subject: Re: Lowenberg LÖWENBERG
PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:36 am 

Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2017 10:40 pm
Posts: 4
Thanks Murray.

I’ll have to see if this family links in anywhere on my family tree.

My time period of interest in Russia based on my family is from about 1875 to 1890 as the family went to Russia and then went to Canada after a 10-15 year period.

I note in the GGD family books that Lowenberg and Lowenberger are treated as variations of the same name. I’ve always wondered what the distinction was between the names. It would be helpful to know. Once families were in North America they tended to stay with either Lowenberg or Lowenberger.

In Canada I’ve focused solely on the Lowenberg name. I think now I may need to include both variations but being very careful to maintain distinctions. I have noted that there are both Lowenberg and Lowenberger families in western Canada which show they came from Galicia. Hopefully the matching of names and birthdates will allow some linking first in Galicia and then with Canadian families.

As an aside I noted in your Gauer tree that you have Lowenbergs and I have this family and antecedents in my records. If you have any questions that way perhaps I may have something of interest.


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