Hopfau, Horb, Württemberg

Name, First                 birth    date   place     film      pg    remarks

Rietmueller, Andreas        23 Nov   1793   Hopfau?   1476492   692   went to Poland

Rietmueller, Christian      02 Aug   1799   Hopfau?   1476492   692   went to Poland

Rietmueller, Johann Georg   17 Feb   1795   Hopfau?   1476492   692   went to Poland

Rietmueller, Katherina      13 Aug   1800   Hopfau?   1476492   692   went to Poland

Rietmueller, Matthaeus      07 Feb   1797   Hopfau?   1476492   692   went to Poland

Steinwand, Johann           16 Jan   1747   Hopfau?   1476492   691   went to Poland

Steinwand, Johann           16 Jan   1747   Hopfau?   1476492   691   went to Poland

Christian Fiess Film Collection Index [by Elli Wise]
Films:  1476492, 1476493, 1476494, 1476495, 1476496, and 1476497

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