On-line forum for Germans from Russia Researchers

Fischerdorf, Josefstal and Billersfeld, Dnjepropetrowsk
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Author:  alfgimbel [ Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Fischerdorf, Josefstal and Billersfeld, Dnjepropetrowsk

I am researching two families from these vilages, Mohr and Welterlich for my brother-in-law. Does anyone have any information of these villages that would aid my research? Thanks.

Author:  Janzen [ Sun Aug 25, 2019 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fischerdorf, Josefstal and Billersfeld, Dnjepropetrowsk

alfgimbel wrote:
I am researching two families from these vilages, Mohr and Welterlich for my brother-in-law. Does anyone have any information of these villages that would aid my research? Thanks.

My relatives are from Fischerdorf, Josefstal, Billersfeld, Marienfeld and Jamburg and with the names of Janzen, Martens, Müller, Klein, Kuhn, Littau, Reich. In July 2019, I came to the Dnipropetrovsk region to search for the graves of my ancestors. When I explored the cemetery in Billersfeld (Ukrainian name is Aleksandrovka), I saw the burial of a woman named Welterlich, dates of life and death: 9.5.1907 -12.6.1988. The tombstone was well maintained, so I think there may be your relatives in the village. Apparently, this woman survived the occupation of 1941-44. in the village, she was probably deported, but then returned. Try to contact me and I will tell you a little more.

Author:  EricBlock [ Tue Mar 29, 2022 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fischerdorf, Josefstal and Billersfeld, Dnjepropetrowsk

Hi. Hoping you see this after 10 years since the original post. My Oma had the maiden name of Mohr and lived in Fischerdorf. I’d enjoy chatting with you about your research.

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